Our paleomagnetic projects in Brazil, Argentina, and Chile include many examples where Applied Paleomagnetics provided paleomagnetic services to petroleum, geotechnical, and mining companies since 1986. Our paleomagnetic projects in Brazil, Argentina, and Chile emphasized our paleomagnetic core orientation service to determine natural fracture, bedding, and in situ stress orientations in cores from oil and gas fields. Our paleomagnetic projects offshore Brazil were focused on paleomagnetic core orientation of geomechanical test samples to determine in situ stress. Onshore Brazil, we measured magnetic properties from subsurface cores for the mining industry. Our paleomagnetic projects in northern Argentina involved paleomagnetic core orientation of sandstones for in situ stress orientation in geomechanical test samples. Our paleomagnetic projects in Chile involved measuring magnetic susceptibility and other magnetic properties in surface outcrops and subsurface core samples for the mining industry.